PBIS (Positive Behavior Instructional Supports)
LBE is a proud recipient of Gold and Bronze Level Recognition from the California PBIS Coalition in school wide implementation of PBIS (Positive Behavior Instructional Supports). Our school has four behavior expectations. LBE Tigers are Present at School, Always Respectful, Willing to Work While Wearing A Mask, and Stay Safe. These expectations are posted throughout campus and are reviewed daily during announcements.
Tiger Tickets: Students that are demonstrating the behavior expectations are recognized with a Tiger Ticket. Students will write how they were demonstrating the expectation or character trait on the ticket.
PAWS Perks: Students can redeem Tiger Tickets for menu items.
Character Education: Every month LBE focuses on a character trait (i.e. honesty, perseverance, respect, etc.) Administration reviews the monthly character trait during announcements. Students can also earn a Tiger Ticket for demonstrating the monthly character trait.
WOW Wednesday: Each week, a grade level selects one student from each class as the WOW Wednesday student. Administration personally congratulates the student and calls the student’s family to share the good news. In addition, the student’s picture will be posted on the WOW Wednesday bulletin board and their picture and write up will be shared on our social media pages.
Bi-annual Behavior Expectations Assemblies: Assemblies have been cancelled until further notice due to COVID restrictions.