All sports require a physical prior to trying out.
Attention 2022-2023 Athletes!
A physical exam is required before participating in interscholastic/after school sports. Physicals are valid for one calendar year and can be turned into the office.
Dear Parents: It is mandatory that your child have insurance if they are participating on a Los Banos Junior High School Athletic Team. This insurance may be your own or that made available to the students by the school. The school district offers Myers-Stevens Insurance. Forms with instructions are available on the district website. If you possess your own personal insurance, you need not purchase this coverage. An Authorization Consent Form needs to be completed and returned along with your child's physical verification form signed by a physician stating that your student is physically able to compete in the sport(s) he/she signs up for. The office MUST have proof of your student's physical and insurance coverage before they will be cleared to participate in his/her sport. If you should have any questions, please call our office at 826-0867.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Cordially, Tony Robledo, Athletic Director
Parents may only transport their own child from the athletic event and must complete a transportation request form at least 24 hours prior to the event. Forms can be picked up in the main office. Students must also have consent of the supervising person/coach in charge for parent transport. All students must ride the school transportation to the event, no exceptions.
Fall Sports
Cross Country
Tiger Run Squad / All Year
Winter Sports
Spring Sports
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