Welcome Parents! We hope that you will find this site useful in your efforts to assist your student(s) in their education. You can find information about various academic, extra curricular, and athletic events here. Just like on campus, the best place to start the search for information for a class assignment or research paper is the library. If you click on "Departments" and then on "Library", you will find a page with web links that are useful for general information. The box on the right side of the page has a "Links" link that will take you to a page with numerous search engines listed. If you click on "Useful Websites" in the same box, that link will expand to show links to other pages of web links organized by subject area. Thank you for making use of our site and please feel free to provide us with any feedback that you feel could help us to improve this site.
Ideas parents can use to help students do better in school.
Planificador para el aprendizaje
Ideas que los padres pueden usar para ayudar a los estudiantes a tener éxito en la escuela. Fall 2008
A Guide to Getting to Know Your Child’s School Security Screening System