Welcome to Educational Services

Educational Services is proud to provide curriculum, standards and textbooks for grades K through 12 and professional development for teachers and administrators in the Los Banos Unified School District. These programs are based on the premise of equal access to the core curriculum for all students. Educational services is responsible for the instructional direction and focus that is taking place within the district. The district feels an important way to enhance achievement is for all students to successfully complete a rigorous program with clearly defined standards and high expectations. 

CTAP Information The California Technology Assistance Project (CTAP) is a statewide technical assistance program, funded by the California Department of Education (CDE). Intended to promote the effective use of technology in teaching, learning and school administration, CTAP provides assistance to schools and districts based upon local needs in each of 11 regions in California. Each region has developed and implemented a plan to provide technology assistance in four key areas: Professional development and learning resources to use technology as a tool to improve teaching and learning. Professional development and support for hardware and telecommunications infrastructure design, implementation, and sustainability. Professional development and support to use technology as a tool to improve school management, including pupil record-keeping and tracking for pupil instruction and data-driven decision making. Funding and Coordination with other Federal, State, and local programs. CTAP Website

What is EdTechProfile? EdTechProfile, a California Department of Education State Educational Technology Service (SETS) project, provides educators with tools that guide their decisions about how to integrate technology into classroom instruction and how to create and evaluate effective teacher technology training programs. EdTechProfile delivers the results for every teacher, school, and district, in the entire State of California. With teacher self-assessments based upon the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Standards 9 & 16 (which are the Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Programs), as well as surveys for students, principals and administrators, educators have access to reports and information to help them: Create/Update your account now: EdTech Profile

Williams Lawsuit Settlement Summary For information concerning the Eliezer Williams, et al. v. State of California, el al. lawsuit, please click on this link.
Williams Lawsuit Settlement


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Educational Tools

Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan
