Flyers may be sent home with students in the two languages of English and Spanish if needed, to announce important safety information and friendly reminders. Flyers will be printed on red paper.
Flyers will be available at the following locations:
School Offices, and District Office, located at 1717 South 11th Street.
Press releases may be forwarded to the following newspaper, radio and TV stations:
Newspapers: Los Banos Enterprise, Merced Sun Star and The Paper.
Radio Stations: KLBS, 1330 AM; KQLB, 106.9 FM; KLBN, 105.1 FM; KAMB, 101.5 FM; KYOS, 1480 AM.
Television Stations: KJEO 47, Fresno; KSEE 24, Fresno; KFSN 30, Fresno; and Los Banos, Comcast.
Recorded messages may be available to anyone wishing to receive information after 5:00 P.M. by calling the following numbers: Recorded message in Spanish: 826-3801 ext. 7007 Recorded message in English: 826-3801 ext. 7006 Parents wishing to talk to someone between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. may call: